Does It Matter Where I Buy My Domain Name =LINK=
Choosing where you want to register your domain is very important. While the service should be similar no matter where you go, there are some important things to consider to ensure you get the best level of service possible.
does it matter where i buy my domain name
Now that you know about domain name registration and why it matters which company you work with, you want to find out which company offers the best services. Take some time to research the different options to find out which company has the best domain name registration services based on your needs.
Yes, it does because not all domain registrars are created equal. They may have different domain name extensions, features, prices, etc. Above all though, you want to choose a domain registrar that has good support and offer a reliable network infrastructure.
On the host, does a host provide an SSL certificate even when the domain name is registered with a different domain registrar?Another question about BlueHost: does BlueHost offer domain privacy options and if yes, what would be the price of your discounted offer of $2.75/month in case one required that they offer domain privacy or does the package still come with domain privacy as an option to choose from?
When someone types a domain into a browser, it gets routed through a DNS server. That server translates the name to figure out which IP address it points to. Then it grabs the data for that website and delivers it to the browser. This process happens in a matter of seconds, letting you find and view a website fast.
If your business focuses on a geographic region, try to put the location into the name of your domain, says Jean Bedord, a Silicon Valley-based search consultant and author of the book I've Got a Domain Name--Now What??? When Mikalai Krivenko needed a domain for his painting business in Hoboken, N.J., in 2009, his son Yuriy, a Jersey City, N.J.-based search-optimization specialist, suggested he put "Hoboken" in the name. For $11, Krivenko bought, which shows up at the top of keyword searches that include "Hoboken" and "painter." Whether it's location, or what your company does, Krivenko advises: "Put the most important keyword for your industry in the domain name."
Do: Register yourself as the owner of the domain name.Some business owners make the mistake of not checking to ensure whoever registers their domain name does so under the business owner's name. It's very important to be sure you are the domain owner and administrative contact, says Bedord. "It's just like a piece of property. If you don't own the property, you can't sell an existing business," she says.
Do: Remember to renew your domain name registration.When Nick Hoffmann, 32, missed the renewal of his networking company's domain name in 2000, it was a crippling business blow. The name got bought by someone else and without email access through the site, Hoffmann lost contact with clients. Eventually, he folded the company. Now working as chief operating officer for an aftermarket marketplace for domains, Hoffmann suggests buying a registration for five or 10 years upfront, or setting up an annual auto-renew payment. Just make sure the credit card on file doesn't expire, another common mistake that might lead to losing a domain name. "The whole aftermarket industry is based on names that drop off," he says. "It happens every day."
You can expect to pay anywhere from $1 per year to Scrooge McDuck bucks, depending on the domain name and suffix. In fact, if you're in search of a highly desired domain with a popular suffix, you may have to open your wallet in a big way, because chances are someone else already has it registered., for example, sold for nearly $50 million(Opens in a new window)! As mentioned, there's also a thriving industry of squatters who look to flip domains (even those that are less obviously important than for profit. Some of them ask you to make an offer, suggesting that anything less than $500 will be ignored.
A non-generic domain is one where you take some creative license. It has virtually no keyword-search benefit, but the phrase you use is widely recognized, (e.g., either universally or regionally, so that people know what the name represents.
This often happens due to the limited supply of top-level domains (TLDs) combined with the recommendation that all businesses should choose a .com or country-code TLD. But does having a common domain extension still matter? Should businesses still buy a .com domain name?
It is not as simple as this in practice, particularly since Google devalued many websites with exact match domain names. They did this to reduce the number of poor websites incorrectly showing highly in search results. So does that mean you forget about them?
You need a domain name that represents your brand and appeals to your customers. This might be an exact match domain. And it might not. Here are some other guidelines to follow to ensure your domain does not damage your SEO strategy:
Search engines do use the keywords in domain names as a ranking factor (which explains the existence of domains like ""), but tread lightly when thinking about optimizing your root domain for search engines: One of the specific functions of Google's algorithm is to combat these keyword-stuffed exact-match domains.
Strive for domain names that are short, easy to remember, easy to type, and easy to say. This is valuable for word-of-mouth advertising because those visitors will need to visit your domain directly, but it also matters for processing fluency. An implicit cognitive bias, processing fluency is the concept that we remember and have more positive associations with things that we can easily say and easily think about, and that includes pronounceability in our own minds. So, stay away from domain names that include numbers or other non-standard characters, use unusual spelling, or are longer than about 15 characters or so.
If you can include a keyword that helps make it obvious what your business does while keeping your domain name catchy, unique, and brand-friendly, go for it. But, stay away from domain names that might be considered "keyword-rich" or "keyword-targeted" (such as or We mentioned this earlier, but it's worth mentioning again: While these types of domain names once carried weight as a ranking factor, their tendency to be associated with low-quality content means searchers (and search engines) may now view these keyword-dense domain names with a negative bias.
If you register a domain name but do not acquire or implement web-hosting and/or email services as well, in some instances you could experience "parking" on your domain name. Domain name parking occurs where the registrar sets the domain name's nameservers and uses the site for advertisements. Contact your registrar if you see advertisements on your domain name to see if and how you can have them removed. You can also acquire web-hosting/email services to gain fuller control over the content associated with your domain name.
Your Mail Exchanger (MX) record specifies where mail for a domain name should be delivered. The record must be an assigned domain name, which in turn points to an IP address. Contact your registrar to find out about your options for how to change it.
The Informal Resolution process allows ICANN's contractual compliance team to work closely with Registrars and Registries to help them understand their contractual obligations and overcome any contractual compliance challenges and issues they may have. ICANN attempts to resolve contractual compliance matters informally before pursuing formal remedies available under the agreements. ICANN does not provide details regarding contractual compliance activities in the informal resolution phase, in the interest of facilitating open dialogue and resolution. In certain cases, when ICANN determines that a contracted party must resolve a critical issue immediately, an escalated notice is sent. Failure to adequately respond to an escalated notice may result in a breach notice.
ICANN accredits companies as domain name Registrars and works to ensure contractual compliance with the terms and conditions of the 2009 and 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreements (RAAs). Although ICANN generally does not become involved with disputes regarding website content, ICANN investigates all reports of non-compliance with contractual obligations under the RAAs and takes appropriate action consistent with the terms of the RAAs.
When you register a domain, we automatically create a hosted zone that has the same name as the domain. You use the hosted zone to specify where you want Amazon Route 53 to route traffic for your domain. The fee for a hosted zone is $0.50 per month. You can delete the hosted zone if you want to avoid this charge. See the Amazon Route 53 Hosted Zone pricing documentation for full details.
Based on my own observations, keywords in a domain name matter no more than keywords in a URL. To put it in a different way, you can invest in a keyword-focused domain name but have the same result by simply creating a new page that would have those keywords in its URL.
This is another area where trying to be too clever can end up getting you in trouble. Again, you want your domain name to be easy to remember and type, and the best way to ensure that is to keep it simple.
Filing a lawsuit is a major decision, as litigation can be expensive and does carry some risk, such as making the allegations of the lawsuit. This can present a risk for those concerned with their privacy or who do not want to give the domain name any further publicity.
Some registrants can be greedy or have an ulterior, non-monetary purpose behind registering the domain name. These registrants are not generally receptive to legal demands and do not typically accept monetary offers to sell the domain, no matter how enticing the amount. 041b061a72